Smart, Reward-based Parental Control App

Empower yourself to reward your kids for on and off-screen activities, maintain a friendly relationship, and manage their digital lives effectively
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100% Free to Use
Image of a hand holding an iPhone with the Social Connect app open

How it works

Download App

Download the app on your children’s devices from the App Store for free

Add password

Set up a password to prevent children from changing the screen time settings

Customise screen time

Sit back and watch how Alpha Screen assists you in managing your children’s digital interactions

Conditional Schedule

Set usage policies for specific applications to ensure a balanced digital environment.

Daily Usage Cap

Introduce daily usage thresholds to promote responsible app usage.

Scattered Time Interval

Distribute app usage across multiple time frames for disciplined screen time.

Join Other Parents and Take Control of Your Children’s Mobile Experiences


How my Experience Raising my Daughter Inspired me to Create Alpha Screen

As a computer scientist and mum who appreciates the role of digital devices in child education and development, I noticed a significant gap in existing parental control apps. They were adequate for basic tasks like locking devices and setting time limits but fell short in customising to the developmental needs of our children.My primary challenge was ensuring that my daughter used her screen time effectively, balancing educational, productive, and entertainment apps without my constant supervision. Additionally, it was crucial to prevent her from using up her daily screen time allowance in one sitting without me frequently locking and unlocking her device, thus allowing her eyes and mind to rest periodically from continuous screen exposure.Driven by these challenges, I developed Alpha Screen, a cutting-edge parental control app designed for parents who need more flexibility and precise control. Alpha Screen allows parents to set conditional screen time schedules, unlocking specific apps only after the child completes productive activities, such as playing chess, practising times tables, or engaging with educational apps. It also allows you to distribute screen time throughout the day in predetermined intervals, thus eliminating the need for constant manual locking and unlocking.Alpha Screen enhances the way parents manage screen time, ensuring that children use technology in a productive and healthy way. This app has transformed my daughter's tech interactions, and I am eager to help other parents cultivate responsible and beneficial digital habits in their children.

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